Il senso emergente

Research Catalogue

The work functions as an interactive space through which the visitor follows a journey into ways of enhancing the choreographer’s intuitive skills and building trust into intuitive capacities.

The research work deals with fostering intuition in the creation process and on the preparation needed to tune with our sixth sense in choreographic practice. I consider the term intuition as a fundamental component of thought that has its roots in the process of tacit learning from experience while I discuss the tension generated by the swirling intuitive and cognitive intricacies of dance-making,  in terms of fruitful cohabitation.
Different ways of attaining intuitive knowledge are addressed for the development of a toolbox of practices allowing the awakening of the senses in the pathway of creation. The aim is to help the maker to tune into his intuitive thoughts and to further explore the transmission of choreographic inputs to other bodies. The practice of collage both intended as a personal intuitive stimulator and a reflective practice, functions here also as a guidance and and as a storyteller accompanying you into my uncanny world.

Start your journey here.

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