Movement journeys

Movement journeys is a hybrid program with the goal of developing a multimedia creative movement practice. Using collages and audio podcasts it takes dancers and movers into a journey through movement. By addressing the imagination it stimulates emerging narratives while evoquing the urge to play.

The project is supported by NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien in the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR, La Cap-Rehub, with the kind collaboration of Sosta Palmizi and Home Centro Coreografico.



Concept & development: Silvia Giordano, Jonas Frey
Production: Julie Pécard
Contributing dancers: Cristina Roggerini, Rossella Amadori, Roberto Cherubini, Amy Josh, Delphina Parenti, Sarah Herr
Ph: Lys Y. Seng
Video: Tizian Arnholdt

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