From her youth she loved
Villa il Palmerino
“MAMA DEAR, I like to write about her, because anything else I could write about at this moment would be very painful to me, and (if you could have it explained) very painful to you also”.
Vernon Lee, Letters 1856-1935
Author and director: Silvia Giordano
with Ginevra Mazzoni e Cristina Roggerini
Videomaker: Biancalisa Nannini
Sound consultant: Francesco Giubasso
Scientific consultants: Tomi Ann Roberts, Tanya Olive & Federica Parretti
Production: La Cap | Re-Hub
Coproduction: Associazione Culturale Il Palmerino
sustained by PARC Performing arts Research Centre
An artistic enquiry on the transgender and crossdresser intellectual ante litteram Vernon Lee, and the pioneering experiments on empathy she took with her partner Kit. Their ghostly presence and the testimonies of those who inhabit her property today are the guidance for a visionary walk catching her legacy throughout the Italian villa where she lived from 1889 to 1935.