How can you float without sinking?

Teatro Carcano


Choreographer and author : Silvia Giordano

Installation: Letizia Cariello

Dancers: Eduarda Santos, Noemi Calzavara, Reiko Ohta

Light Consultancy: Elisabetta Campanelli

Sound design: SiGi

Production: La Cap

Supported by Video Sound Art Festival

Ph: Francesca Ferrari

“How can you float without sinking?” It’s a score for three female floating bodies where the sky has the sound of the waves and the sea that of the wind, in dialogue with the installation “Con te” by Letizia Cariello (LETIA). It is a motion that fluctuates closely and trembles from afar, a calm lightness that is revealed only with half-closed lashes. With a question that disorientates the minds and asks the bodies, it invites us all to enter in an elsewhere that makes the eyes open wide, by keeping them tightly closed.

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