Well, I think of conducting



In a world where we all want to count as individuals, we end up looking obsessively for a guide to inspire us. “Well, I think of conducting …” is a solo inspired by the performativity of conductors and it investigates the relationship between voice and movement.

The figure of the conductor, often quoted as a metaphor for the good leader, is the starting point for the choreographic analysis that observes him first and foremost as a physical performer. Words are embodied by the dancer in a dialogue of gestures and sounds, between fascination, consensus and closeness, in a interdependent relationship between the vocal and musical score, where the embodiment of gestures follows and invisible kinesthetic score and inspires a reflection on impatience as an enemy of learning.

The solo is part of the “Ab surd” research path, a survey on the absurd and its surroundings, carried out by the choreographer within the Master Comma in Choreography of the Codarts University of the Arts in Rotterdam and of the Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts in Tilburg.





Concept and choreography: Silvia Giordano

Video and Lights: Martina Rafanelli

Editing by S. Giordano based on Danzon n. 2 de Arturo Marquez | directed by Gustavo Dudamel |Orquesta juvenil de Venezuela
The Language of Conducting | Darko Butorac | TEDxUMontana

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